Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Free SEO Tips For Beginners


Is Your Site Not Ranking Well in Google? Where Are You Missing Out?
A blog is considered to be walking towards the success path when many people come across your site on Google. If your site does not rank well on Google, it means your site lacks many things that are stopping it from performing well on Google. One of the most important things you need to make [...]
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6 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Blogging is one of the most reliable ways of making money on the web. Whether you want to start a new blog or check why your existing blog is not doing well, you need to look out for the possible mistakes you have done. Here are some common blogging mistakes you should avoid: 1. Not [...]
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6 Common Keyword Research Mistakes People Tend to Make

Keyword research is one of the first things you do when you start a website. The keywords that you choose should be highly relevant to your business. If you fail to choose the right keywords, it can be a huge loss to your investment of time and money. Here are some common keyword research mistakes [...]
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6 Tips to Effectively Use Twitter for Marketing Your Blog

Bloggers often develop a habit of creating content of 500 to 700 words quite easily. However, when it comes to making texts of 140 characters for promoting site on Twitter, you may find it quite challenging. Twitter is undoubtedly one of the best social networking platforms for promoting a blog. However, an error on your [...]
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5 Common Web Designing Mistakes to Avoid

Web designers know it pretty well about how to design an attractive website. After all, an attractive website can truly grab the attention of the visitor. Web designers that are hired by SEO companies often design amazing websites for their clients. The websites are nicely decked up with beautiful templates, fonts, photos, and so on. [...]
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Searching for Reliable Web Hosting Service: Dos and Don’ts

Your website is a platform through which you can let the whole world know what services and products your business is offering. So, to achieve success, you should make sure that your products and services are available 24/7 to your audience. This can be assured only if you have a trusted and reliable web hosting [...]
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5 Tips to Make Your Online Business Customers Happy

If a business is able to make its customers happy and satisfy them, that business can achieve success in no time. The best mode of advertisement is the word of mouth publicity. When your customers talk about how good your products and services are to their friends, and post positive comments, the number of people [...]
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Want to Increase Your Site’s Traffic? You Can Do It with Less than 3 Hours of Daily Investment

People spend huge amount of time in optimizing their site to make it search engine friendly. However, even after spending whole lot of time in optimizing the site, the result can be dismal. Instead of spending hours on your blog, you can effectively make use of your time to enhance your site’s performance. Here we [...]
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3 Fatal Mistakes That Can Cause Your Blog to Flop Miserably

A decade ago nobody was familiar with ‘blogging’ but now almost everyone who is internet savvy wants to try his luck at it. Why has blogging become so popular? The main reason behind it is that anyone can create a blog without spending any money. Building a website requires you to have technical knowledge such [...]
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6 Tips on Using Social Media to Popularize Your Site

If you wish to do everything you can to promote your blog, you should make sure that you do not miss out on marketing on social media sites. This SEO strategy allows you to share the content of your blog to wider audience. This is the reason why most site owners have social media accounts. [...]
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